ATC-Wake Work Description

WP1: System Requirements (managed by Eurocontrol)
The main work is to define the requirements for the ATC-Wake system. This includes operational requirements, operational concepts and procedures, user requirements, and system requirements. The main output is the WP1000 System Requirements report.
WP2: Integrated System Design and Evaluation (managed by Thales A.D.)
The main work is to develop and build the ATC-Wake Integrated Platform (IP), which integrates the new ATC-Wake components to be used in the airport environment:
- ATC-Wake Separation Mode Planner;
- ATC-Wake Predictor;
- ATC-Wake Monitoring and Alerting;
- ATC-Wake Detector.
WP3: Safety and Capacity Analysis (managed by NLR)
The main work is to quantify and evaluate possible safety and capacity improvements (tactical and strategic benefits) when using the system. Safe and appropriate separation distances will be determined for single runways and closely spaced parallel runways. The work also includes proposed wake vortex risk requirements (safety regulations).
WP4: Evaluation of Operational Feasibility (managed by Eurocontrol)
The main work is to evaluate operational feasibility of the system, including analyzing the interoperability with existing ATC systems, and the usability and acceptability by air traffic controllers. The work also includes (fast-time) airspace and airport simulations.
WP5: Technological Implementation Plan (managed by Thales A.D.)
The main work is to provide the TIP, in accordance with the guidelines from the EC. This will be done in co-ordination with the User Group members, representatives of the aerospace and ATM community.
WP6: Management and Final Synthesis (managed by NLR)
The main work is to maintain an efficient communication with the EC, other related projects, and to disseminate findings through workshops, conferences, and an Internet Site. A further task is the final synthesis, resulting in a confidential and a publishable final report with conclusions and recommendations.
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